Andrew Denton – Twisted Vase

Club Meeting: 1 May 2023
Report by: Graeme Mackay

A journey towards a multicentred, twisted plane, three sided vase based on the development by Barbara Dill. Andrew discussed the production passage and how things were achieved. Also, discussing the integration of trade apprenticeships and metal work and the development of production turning in engineering.

The overall aim was multi-centred bowls, twisted access of multiple sizes. In this demo, three sided goblet using this technique. Andrew’s long-term goal was to develop a method to make equal and exact multiples using an interesting and wide-ranging approach based on jigs, jams, and their application to fabrication of wooden lathe turned objects.

Andrew discussed the effect hours of design work for his movement into prop work and construction in TV film and theatre. The skill set devised in the making props for film production sets made a contribution towards his turning. Assisted by the subsequent movement through the NAW courses including training and colouring by Emma Rees Jones. Again further exacerbated by sides into carving and the techniques of working with Styrofoam. Also noting Has enjoyment of seeing it applied to the world of wood.

The project:
A multicentred centred twisted format goblet based on the Barbara Dill premise. There is a project sheet available from Triangular Vase. The sheet provides dimensions project outlines the starting point that to exercise on this style of vessel. There is an outline in the SAWG project section provided critical starting measurements. And, often as usual, importantly, the set of measurements that need to be organised and undertake the appropriate order for the establishment of centres-in this case sets of three.

Andrew stressed that the key is the setting out of the centrelines. The establishment of the axis turning points in the final shape are defined by the height and centre point diameters. The SAWG project sheet covers this quite clearly.

Interesting set of approaches was provided by the placement of the axis centre circle points to find the parameters and the ensuing shape. These measurement ratios and features provide rotation of the parallel sides in the movement of the curve to the next turning position. Each section is a repeat of the previous and with the precision of each section defining the size and form of the final piece.

The amount of twist is defined by the offset of the parallel sides and the planned shifting centre marked point. This demo Andrew three setpoints, hundred and 20° separate on a in a circle around 15 mm diameter. Still stuck on the measurements, try the SAWG project

Andrew stressed that this is not a major volume job. Fun can be had by changing the position of the axis centre points that will allow maintenance of angle and allow shape change. The working of these features into specialised jigs provides visual presence of the new shape. The setting of the jig curve provides a visual of the final shape. The construction the jigs is another item.

Standard process: Hollowing for the goblet was standard, a small spigot for the chuck, guide hole for the forstner bit.
Many little tips turned up:
A round ended drill bit was used to finish the base within the confines of the three sided, twisted, goblet.

Concern given to the direction of cutting. Andrew stresses that the direction of cutting is critical to the finished product.
“Same cutting direction for each side.”
And finally:
“each little bit counts.”

Related project sheet Vase, Triangular (Multicentred)