David Dernie – Contrasting Emerging Bowl

SAWG Clubrooms South Auckland Woodturners Guild, Stadium Lane, Papatoetoe, Auckland, New Zealand

Normal Club Meeting, Doors open @ 5pm, Meeting starts @ 7pm Visitors Welcome

Terry Scott – Seder Plate

SAWG Clubrooms South Auckland Woodturners Guild, Stadium Lane, Papatoetoe, Auckland, New Zealand

Doors Open @ 5pm, come along catch up on the latest gossip, have a cup of tea/coffee. Use the machines. Meeting starts @ 7pm Visitors Welcome

John Basillie – Bud Vases x 3

SAWG Clubrooms South Auckland Woodturners Guild, Stadium Lane, Papatoetoe, Auckland, New Zealand

Come along @ 5pm and use the equipment, get help with you turning problems, get some homework marked off, eat your dinner. Be seated by 7pm for the meeting and demo. Visitors Welcome

Jon Pearse – Threading Jig

SAWG Clubrooms South Auckland Woodturners Guild, Stadium Lane, Papatoetoe, Auckland, New Zealand

You will be let into the clubrooms @ 5pm by or friendly greeter. They will allow you to have a tea/coffee, eat or dinner and use the machines. They may even engage in conversation. At 7pm you will be hustled to your seat for the meeting and demo. Visitors Welcome

Dick Veitch – Conjoined Bowls

SAWG Clubrooms South Auckland Woodturners Guild, Stadium Lane, Papatoetoe, Auckland, New Zealand

Doors open @ 5pm, come in and use the machines, make a mess as long as you clean up by 7pm for the meeting and demo. Visitors Welcome

Kevin De Freitas – Venetian Vase

SAWG Clubrooms South Auckland Woodturners Guild, Stadium Lane, Papatoetoe, Auckland, New Zealand

Doors will be opened around about 5pm to let you enter, grab you favourite spot and chat, or turn wood.... Meeting will start @ 7pm Visitors Welcome

O’Dell Toi – TBC

SAWG Clubrooms South Auckland Woodturners Guild, Stadium Lane, Papatoetoe, Auckland, New Zealand

Sure to be something that will inspire your creativity (no pressure O'Dell) Doors will open at 5pm or thereabouts. You can find something too fill in your time until 7pm when the meeting will spring to life. Visitors Welcome

Rocky Ralifo – Let’s Go Clubbing

SAWG Clubrooms South Auckland Woodturners Guild, Stadium Lane, Papatoetoe, Auckland, New Zealand

Doors open @ 5pm, you can come have a coffee/tea, use the machinery, get answers to your turning issues, or get and few more problems. Meeting Starts @ 7pm End of term awards for table and life members, so bring along your entries.

Emm James-Ries

Normal club meeting - Doors open at 5pm, come in for a chat, use machines, read library books, have a tea or coffee - We sit down for the meting and demo at 7pm. Visitors Welcome

Turning Tomorrow's Treasures